Saturday, November 8, 2008

X-Mas and Holiday Decor Items

I tend to want to purchase all new Holiday items this year of year (every year). I found some great small items that won't run me over budget since I guess I need to save some money for X-Mas presents. Christmas and Holiday decor items are also make great great gifts, especially as a hostess present for Holiday parties.

Snowflakes: These multi-shaped snowflakes are removable white decals. It will always look like it's snowing and makes for a good excuse to stay in and cozy up on the couch with a movie. Available in multiple colors and a come at a very affordable price point. These can be used all over your house, kicthen, bathroom, containers or whatever you can dream up.
Theme Napkins: I love that you can put these out earlier because of the color but are still festive. Something about cloth napkins makes everything feel more festive. These are also a simple and easy DIY project for you or the family. Just buy basic colored napkins and add any cloth cutout by stitching or fabric glue to the napkins. The options are endless. Great gift idea for a small budget.

Holiday Banner: Another great DIY project and could be created for more than just Christmas. Great to make for Birthdays and Congratulations party. I have also found count down banners for chidren, they get to take one number off each day. A great idea to make any home more cheerful.

Christmas Tree Wall Decal: If you are like me and limited on either space or money (both for me) then this is your option. This wall decals come in either one time use or reusable options. The graphic varies from where you purchase them but all are a great idea to get the tree of your dreams. Eco-friendly too :)

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